After the metaverse, NFT, and Web 3.0 concepts are on fire, will the dividends of the distributed storage application of traffic come?

4 min readAug 29, 2021


In the second half of 2021, with the popularity of new Crypto concepts such as Metaverse, NFT, and Web 3.0, people have a new level of awareness of future blockchain applications, and waves of waves are coming at a super speed. The entire Crypto application market. An endless stream of investors and crypto enthusiasts poured into this movement one after another, and a large amount of traffic data poured out like an erupting volcano. In fact, with the maturity of these concepts, people in the market hold uncertain views on the future of Metaverse, NFT, and Web 3.0. How can the security rights and interests of assets be guaranteed? The essence of the Internet is the exchange of data. As a complete Internet infrastructure, data security will directly determine the security of the network. And a secure network ecology will also serve as the qualification endorsement of digital asset security, and distributed storage is also about to usher in a dividend period.

Looking at the current market, with the continuous upgrading and advancement of encryption technology, people have also found that there are some unsolvable drawbacks: most smart contracts are still not perfect, and the data on the chain is intelligently recorded but other data cannot be stored, namely It is DeFi, which can be called “decentralization”, because the application front-end is deployed on “centralized servers”, so it is generally considered by the market that it is still centralized. At the same time, with the popularity of the NFT concept, the market has maintained a high degree of vigilance for the security of NFT assets. Most NFT assets are very expensive, and the consequences of data loss are unimaginable. The NFT chain only records its number, transaction records and other data. The data of the NFT itself cannot be stored on the chain due to complex reasons such as audio and video files. It can only be stored in a centralized terminal. Once a centralized server appears The failure is very likely to cause the loss of these NFT audio-visual files, and directly cause the economic effect of the NFT asset to lose. Distributed data storage fully meets the storage requirements of these audio-visual files. Distributed data storage can spread centralized data in the form of shard packaging for storage in the market, and its advantages of high stability, security, and privacy are in line with Decentralized encryption ideas and massive market storage space can also bring a solid foundation for these rapidly growing NFT assets. Distributed data storage solutions can bring these NFT assets non-tamperable, non-stolen, and non-lost capabilities.

At the 2020 Hangzhou Industry Summit, Zhang Xiaodong, head of JD com business related business, said: “From the perspective of JD com business platform, routers are the entrance to every family. As the basic unit of society, whoever can enter every family will become the master of the future, and in the near future, distributed storage will enter thousands of households.

A large number of participants have brought huge amounts of traffic, and the real conversion of these traffic data is realisation. If the combination of traffic and distributed data storage will collide with each other, what kind of spark will it collide? The emergence of Flowcoin may make this possible. Flowcoin is a flow data distributed storage application based on the underlying technology of IPFS. It aims to return the fission of flow data value to the market at the same time, creating a new flow value ecology in which all employees can participate, build together, and create wealth together. FLOWCOIN is a decentralized storage network that turns cloud storage into an algorithmic market. This market operates based on a local protocol token, where miners can obtain FLW by providing storage to customers. In turn, customers spend FLW to hire miners to store or distribute data. Like BTC, FLOWCOIN miners compete to mine blocks for considerable rewards, but the mining power of FLOWCOIN is proportional to the effective storage, that is, it directly provides customers with useful services. This is not the same as the BTC digital mining mechanism. It is limited to maintaining the consensus of the blockchain. This design provides a huge incentive for digital miners to gather storage as much as possible for renting out to customers. Everyone can recommend friends around them to join FLOWCOIN to become a part of the community and provide services to the community. Everyone who has contributed to the development of the community deserves full rewards. Enjoy the right to use the surrounding ecology and exchange the right to use the shared computing ecological service.

FLW tokens are the bond of value for all users, and therefore also the bond of hearts and minds. As a value carrier, the greater the number of platform users, the greater the market demand for FLW tokens as a limited total amount of blockchain tokens, and the final manifestation is the increase in the market price of FLW, which will make all FLW tokens hold Those who benefit. As the surrounding ecology continues to improve, FLW tokens will form a complete ecosystem, and all participating users will benefit. The role of a user is not only a user, but also a community of interests, which fundamentally changes the behavior of users.

The emergence of Flowcoin will mark the beginning of this flow data distributed storage application. In the future, with the popularity of the encryption market, it is believed that more and more people will join this hashrate data frenzy, bringing a new flow to the flow ecology. The cyclical effect. Promote the coordinated development of the encryption industry and digital application ecology, empower the Internet era, and promote the construction of computing power networks.

